.Subcommittee - Community Orchard

orchard pic
Cumberland’s Community Orchard Subcommittee was established to develop a community orchard that would lead to greater food independence through the production of local foods and for the benefit of local citizens.

Initially, the subcommittee will develop a site plan for orchard plantings on town owned land immediately adjacent to the brush dump/composting facility at the end of Stiles Way.  The goal is to involve groups of residents, business owners, school officials and other interested parties to provide input into the design, maintenance, and ongoing growth/management of the community orchard.  As a part of the process, the Community Orchard Subcommittee will consider the benefits of an ongoing series of meetings through the planning process.

In addition, the Subcommittee considers the education of the citizens critically important in the creation of sustainable and resilient landscapes in the face of a changing and more varied climate. As such, the Community Orchard Subcommittee will consider ongoing opportunities for educational classes, seminars, and workdays as an integrated part of the orchard management.